
大学信息2023-11-16 13:45:00小乐




商队旅馆是在中国、北非和中东等地区沿丝绸之路建造的路边旅馆,通常位于城市和村庄的围墙外,通常由__2__ **资助。

“caravanserai”一词源自波斯语“karban”,意思是一群旅行者或商队,而__3__ 来自serai,意思是宫殿或封闭的建筑。彼尔姆大篷车用于__4__ 组人在彼尔姆各地一起旅行。出于安全原因,__5__ 是一个供商人、旅行者和朝圣者使用的古老网络。

从10世纪开始,随着贸易和旅行路线的更加发达,商队驿站__6__的数量不断增加,成为人们夜间休息的安全场所。在丝绸之路上旅行的旅行者很可能会被抢劫或__7__ 抢劫。因此,商队旅馆的位置经过精心设计,以便在__9__ 一天的行程时间内到达。

商队旅馆是丝绸之路上各路人的非官方__10__点。 __11__,这些结构成为重要的文化中心__12__和交流,旅行者在这里分享文化、思想和信仰,__13__交换知识,并极大地发展__14__。一些文明的。

商队旅馆也是丝绸之路沿线货物和__15__ 货物贸易的重要市场。 __16__,它通常是想要出售商品和__17__ 旅行必需品的商人的第一站。商队旅馆是沿着丝绸之路修建的,已知大约__19__ 至今仍存在,其中许多位于__20__。












[答案] A
























[答案] A


A. 可疑






A. 已分配

B. 目标受众






B. 比喻


D. 视情况而定。

[答案] A














A. 遗产






















[答案] A


















[答案] A












[答案] A




大多数科学家和专家强烈不同意哈迪先生的观点,他们说:“他们随意地贬低了学者和科学家的职业发展,认为这只是另一种错误观点。”非营利组织德克萨斯自由网络的高级传播策略师丹奎恩说监视情况。 “数以百万计的德克萨斯州儿童在公立学校学**的内容往往是由党派董事会成员的政治意识形态决定的,而不是由事实和良好的学术知识决定的。”


由科学家和教师组成的非营利组织国家科学教育中心去年进行的一项研究考察了全国各地的公立学校如何在科学课程中应对气候变化,结果发现,美国只有少数州和一半的州实现了这一目标。 B+或更好。在表现最差的10 个州中,有些州是最受欢迎的,其中德克萨斯州的评分最低(F),并且由于教科书在其他地方广泛销售而承担了不成比例的成本份额。

该中心副主任格伦布兰奇(Glenn Branch)警告说,在一个将决策权下放给地方学校董事会的国家,制定州级科学标准只是一项有限的措施。这是可以教的,”他说。




A. 预测德克萨斯州学校的政策变化。

B. 强调气候变化的影响


D. 引起公众对能源短缺的关注。



A. 她夸大了现有的恐慌

B. 她否认科学研究的价值。

C. 她对青少年以下的儿童不感兴趣。

D. 她表达了一种自相矛盾的观点。




B 政策制定者对科学教育兴趣不大。


D. 一些州的环境教育缺乏监督。

[答案] A

24. 根据Branch,美国国家级科学标准_

A. 要求定期修改

B. 需要紧急申请


D. 响应当地需求



A. 同意主要公众要求


C. 可能歪曲能源行业


[答案] DText 2

自从Airbnb 等网站在2010 年代流行以来,该地区的社区一直在努力规范短期租赁,但现在人们尤其担心,因为房价创历史新高,库存也创历史新低。这些法规的紧迫性越来越大。开发商将前来购买住宅用地,以在短期租赁市场上赚大钱。


尼克泰勒表示:“出租住房供应正处于危机水平,从社区的工具箱中取出解决这一问题的工具将剥夺本已高度紧张的市场的供应。它有可能被盗。”泰勒说,新罕布什尔州南部小镇没有足够的经济适用房,“雇主很难吸引雇员,工人也很难找到住处。” 。


马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校经济适用住房政策专家凯伦霍恩表示,短期租赁本身并不是问题的核心。“我认为个人可以出租第二套住房是件好事,尤其是在度假时。” “ 他说。 “反正房子是空着的,只是空着,为什么我们不能从中赚钱呢?”霍恩说。但当开发商试图建造大型短期租赁设施或事实上的酒店以逃避税收和监管时,问题就会出现。 “问题是,那些实际上正在建造酒店但假装自己不是酒店的开发商难道不应该像酒店一样受到对待、征税和监管吗?我认为是的,”霍恩说。

2018 年底,州长查理贝克签署了一项法案来遏制这些潜在的投资者和买家。 “该法案将要求所有出租房东向州**登记,要求购买保险,并可能在保险费之外征收地方税。”它限制了某些人,并要求承租人向市检查服务部登记。

霍恩表示,类似的登记要求可能会使面临其他挑战的城镇受益,解决问题的唯一方法是建造更多住房。多很多。 ”

26. 以下关于新英格兰的说法哪一项是正确的?

A. 住房供应量非常低。


unities are in need of funding. C.Its rental vacancy rate is going up slowly D.Its home prices are under strict control. [答案] A 27.The bill mentioned in Pargappwas intended to A.cutb sortem enta speculation. B.ensure the supply of cheap housing. C.punish ilgal dealings in housing. D.allow a free short-term rental market. [答案] D 28.Compared with Castle, Taylor is more likely to support A.further investment in local tourism. B.an increase in affordable housing. C.strict management of real estate agents. D.a favorable policy for short-term workers. [答案] B 29.What does Horn emphasize in Paragraph A.The urgency to upgrade short-term rental facilities. B.The efficient operation of the local housing market. C.The necessty to stop developers from evading taxes. D.The proper procedures for renting out spare houses. [答案] C 30 .Horn holds that imposing registration requirements 1S A.an irrational decision. B.an unfeasible proposal C.an unnecessary measure. D.an inadequate solution. [ 答案] DText 3 If you’re heading for your nearest branch of Waterstones in search of the Duchess of Sussex’s new children’s book The Bench, you might have to be prepared to hunt around a bit; the same may be true of The President's Daughter, the new thriller by Bill Clinton and James Patterson. Both of these books are published next week by Penguin Random House, a company currently involved in a stand-off with Waterstones. The problem began late last year, when Penguin Random House confirmed that it had introduced a credit limit with Waterstones “at a very significant level”. The trade magazine The Bookseller reported that Waterstones branch managers were being told to remove PRH books from prominent areas such as tables, display spaces and windows, and were “quietly retiring them to their relevant sections”. PRH declined to comment on the issue, but a spokesperson for Waterstones told me: “Waterstones are currently operating with reduced credit terms from PRH, the only publisher in the UK to place any limitations on our ability to trade. We are not boycotting PRH titles but we are doing our utmost to ensure that availability for customers remains good despite the lower overall levels of stock. We do this generally by giving their titles less prominent positioning within our bookshops. “We are hopeful with our shops now open again that normality will return and that we will be allowed to buy appropriately. Certainly, our shops are exceptionally busy and book sales are very strong. The sales for our May Books of the Month surpassed any month since 2018.” In the meantime, PRH authors have been the losers - as have customers, who might expect the new titles from the country’s biggest publisher to be prominently displayed by its biggest book retailer. Big-name PRH authors may suffer a bit, but it’s those mid-list authors, who normally rely on Waterstones staff’s passion for promoting books by lesser-known writers, who will be praying for an end to the dispute. It comes at a time when authors are already worried about the consequences of the proposed merger between PRH and another big publisher, Simon & Schuster - the reduction in the number of unaligned UK publishers is likely to lead to fewer bidding wars, lower advances, and more conformity in terms of what is published. And one wonders if PRH would have been confident enough to deal with Waterstones in the way it has if it weren’t quite such a big company (it was formed with the merger of Penguin and Random House in 2013) and likely to get bigger. “This is all part of a wider change towards concentration of power and cartels. Literary agencies are getting bigger to have the clout to negotiate better terms with publishers, publishers consolidating to deal with Amazon,” says Lownie. “The publishing industry talks about persity in terms of authors and staff but it also needs a plurality of ways of delivering intellectual contact, choice and different voices. After all, many of the most interesting books in recent years have come from small publishers.” We shall see whether that plurality is a casualty of the current need among publishers to be big enough to take on all-comers. 31.The author mentions two books in Paragraph 1 to present A.an ongoing conflict. B .an intellectual concept. C.a prevailing sentiment. D.a literary phenomenon. [答案] A 32. Why did Waterstones shops retire PRH books to their relevant sections A.To make them easily noticeable. B.To comply with PRH's requirement. C.To respond to PRH's business move. D.To arrange them in a systematic way. [答案] C 33. What message does the spokesperson for Waterstones seem to convey A.Their customers remain loyal. B.The credit limit will be removed. C.Their stock is underestimated. D.The book market is rather slack. [答案] B 34. What can be one consequence of the current dispute A.Sales of books by mid-list PRH writers fall off considerably. B.Lesser-known PRH writers become the target of criticism. C.Waterstones staff hesitate to promote big-name authors' books. D.Waterstones branches suffer a severe reduction in revenue. [答案] A 35. Which of the following statements best represents Lownie's view A.Small publishers ought to stick together. B.Big publishers will lose their dominance. C.The publishing industry is having a hard time. D.The merger of publishers is a worrying trend. [答案] CText 4 Scientific papers are the recordkeepers of progress in research. Each year researchers publish millions of papers in more than 30,000 journals. The scientific community measures the quality of those papers in a number of ways, including the perceived quality of the journal (as reflected by the title’s impact factor) and the number of citations a specific paper accumulates. The careers of scientists and the reputation of their institutions depend on the number and prestige of the papers they produce, but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers. In recent years, there have been several episodes of scientific fraud, including completely made-up data, massaged or doctored figures, multiple publications of the same data, theft of complete articles, plagiarism of text, and self-plagiarism. And some scientists have come up with another way to artificially boost the number of citations to their work. Citation cartels, where journals, authors, and institutions conspire to inflate citation numbers, have existed for a long time. In 2016, researchers developed an algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns, including groups of authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of their publications. Recently, I came across yet another expression of this predatory behavior: so-called support service consultancies that provide language and other editorial support to inpidual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number of citations to their articles and the articles of colleagues. Some of these consultancies are also active in organizing conferences and can advise that citations be added to conference proceedings. In this manner, a single editor can drive hundreds of citations in the direction of his own articles or those of colleagues that may be in his circle. How insidious is this type of citation manipulation In one example, an inpidual—acting as author, editor, and consultant—was able to use at least 15 journals as citation providers to articles published by five scientists at three universities. The problem is rampant in Scopus, which includes a high number of the new “international” journals. In fact, a listing in Scopus seems to be a criterion to be targeted in this type of citation manipulation. 36. According to Paragraph 1. the careers of scientists can be determined by_ A how many citations their works contain B how many times their papers are cited C.the prestige of the people they work with D.the status they have in scientific circles [答案] B 37.The support service consultancies tend to A.recommend journals to their clients. B.list citation patterns their clients. C.ask authors to include extra citations D.advise contributors to cite each other [答案] C 38.The Function of the“milk cow" journals is to A.boost citation counts for certain authors B.help scholars publish articles at low cost C.instruct F irst-time contributors in citation D.increase the readership of new journals. [答案] A 39. What can be learned about Scopus From the last two paragraphs A.It Fosters competition among citation providers B.It has the capability to identify suspicious citations C.It hinders the growth of "international" journals D.It established to prevent citation manipulation [答案] B 40. What should an author do to deal with citation manipulators A.Take legal action B.Demand an apology C. Seek professional advice D. Reveal their misconduct [答案] D 三、阅读理解Part B 下列每小题的四个选项中,只有-项是 最符合题意的正确答案,多选、错选或不选均不得分。Reading Part B A. Last year marks the 150th anniversary of a series of Yellowstone photographs by the renowned landscape photographer William Henry Jackson. He captured the first-ever shots of iconic landmarks such as the Tetons, Old Faithful and the Colorado Rockies. B. Two centuries ago, the idea of preserving nature, rather than exploiting it, was a novel one to many U.S. settlers. One of the turning points in public support for land conservation efforts — and recognizing the magnificence of the Yellowstone region in particular — came in the form of vivid photographs. C. As an effective Washington operator, Hayden sensed that he could capitalize on the expedition’s stunning visuals. He asked Jackson to print out large copies and distributed them, along with reproductions of Moran’s paintings, to each member of Congress. “The visualization, particularly those photographs, really hit home that this is something that has to be protected,” says Murphy. D. Though Native Americans (and later miners and fur trappers) had long recognized the area’s riches, most Americans did not. That’s why Hayden’s expedition aimed to produce a fuller understanding of the Yellowstone River region, from its hot springs and waterfalls to its variety of flora and fauna. In addition to the entourage of scientists, the team also included artists: Painter Thomas Moran and photographer William Henry Jackson were charged with capturing this astounding natural beauty and sharing it with the world. E.The journey officially began in Ogden, Utah, on June 8,1871. Over nearly four months, dozen of man made their way on horseback into Montana and traversed along the Yellowstone River and around Yellowstone lake. That fall, they concluded the survey in fort Bridger, Wyoming F. Though Native Americans (and later miners and fur trappers) had long recognized the area's riches, most Americans did not. That's why Hayden's expedition aimed to produce a fuller understanding of the yellowstone river region, from it's hot springs and waterfalls to its variety of flora and fauna. In addition to the entourge of scientists, the team also included artists : Painter Thomas Moran and photographer Jackson were charged with capturing this astounding natural beauty and sharing it with the world. G.The bill proved largely popular and sailed through Congress with large majorities in favor. In quick succession, the Senate and House passed legislation protecting yellowstone in early 1872 . That March, President Ulysses S.Grant signed an act into law that established Yellowstone as the world's first national park. while some locals opposed to the designation, the decision was largely accepted-and Jackson's photos played a key role in the fight to protect the area. I don't believe that the legal protection would have happened in the timeframe that it did without those images , says Heather Hansen, journalist and author of Prophets and Moguls, Rangers and Rogues, Bisonord Bears : 100 years of the national Park Service. H .Perhaps most importantly, the images provided documentary evidence that later made its way to government officials. Weeks after completing the expedition, Hayden collected his team’s observation into an extensive rep aimed at convincing Senators and Representatives, along with colleagues at government agency like the department of Interior that Yellowstone ought to be preserved. 41. B 42. F 43. D 44. C 45. G 四、翻译题 Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. 46. AI can also be used to identify the lifestyles choices of customers regarding their hobbies,favorite celebrities,and fashions to provide unique content in marketing messages put out through social media. 【参考译文】人工智能还可以用来识别出消费者生活方式的选择,包括他们的爱好、最喜欢的名人和时尚,从而通过社交媒体发布的营销信息来提供独特的内容。 47. Some believe that Al is negatively impacting on the marketer's role by reducing creativity and removing jobs,but they are aware that it is a way of reducing costs and creating new information. 【参考译文】一些人认为,人工智能通过减少创造力和工作机会对营销人员产生了负面影响,但他们也意识到,这是一种降低成本和创造新信息的方式。 48.Algorithms used to stimulate human interactions are creating many of these concerns,especially as no-one is quite sure what the outcomes of using Al to interact with customers will be. 【参考译文】用于刺激人际互动的算法正在引发许多此类担忧,尤其是在没有人非常确定使用人工智能与客户互动的结果会是什么情况下。 49.If customers are not willing to share data.AI will be starved of essential information and will not beable to function effectively or employ machine learning to improve its marketing content and communication. 【参考译文】如果客户不愿意分享数据,人工智能将缺乏必要的信息,无法有效地发挥作用,也无法使用机器学**来改善其营销内容和传播。 50.The non-intrusive delivery of the marketing message in a way that is sensitive to the needs of target customers is one of the critical challenges to the digital marketer. 【参考译文】以一种对目标客户需求敏感的方式非侵入式地传递营销信息是数字营销人员面临的关键挑战之一。 五、写作Part B 根据材料要求写一篇作文。Writing Part A Directions: Write a notice to recruit a student for Prof. Smith’s research project on campus sports activities. Specify the duties and requirements of the job. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points) 【参考范文】 Notice December 24,2022 Professor Smith is looking for a student to join his research program regarding campus sports activities.The duties of the position require that the student collects data on campussports activities to be analyzed by the research team. This includes observing various athletic events, speaking to student athletes, staff, and faculty,and documenting their experiences. In addition to data collection, thestudent will also be responsible for organizing meetings with Professor Smith or other research team members to discuss project progress. The successful applicant should be highly organized, patient, and have a keen interest and knowledge in sports. If you are interested in joining thisresearch program, please contact us at email@123.com to apply. Students' UnionWriting Part B 【参考范文】 Unfolded in the elaborately painted cartoon is an eye-catching and thought-stimulating scene:some young men are rowing dragon boats,and a large number of people crowded to watch the game. An aged grandma turned to her spouse and said cheerfully:“it is wonderful that the Dragon Boat racing is getting increasingly lively in our village.”Apparently, what the cartoonist attempts to emphasize is the inheritance of traditional culture. There is no denying that our Chinese, in recent years, have been attaching great importance to the carrying of the traditional culture and bringing it to vitality. Traditions are supposed to be inherited and advocated from one generation to another. Like tangible cultural heritages such as Great Wall and the Forbidden City, intangible cultural heritages like Peking Opera and celebration of traditional festivals are equally crucial. As a country consisting ofa great persity of ethnic groups and with time-honored history and civilization, China abounds in intangible cultural heritages, which connect modern people to the historical past, allowing them to acquire a cultural and historical identity. Without cultural heritages, we would be rendered absolutely rootless and we would find it hard to cope with challenges at present and in the future. However, the modernization process poses mounting threats to intangible heritages. It is also pathetic to see elderly people in possession of such legacies pass away without transmitting them to the younger generation. Confronted with those challenges, we should both preserve and rejuvenate our ancestral heritages sothat we can help contribute to cultural persity of the world.
